28 Jul 2013

Do You Ever Feel Like..

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picture from :

Colourful rainbow blow up near your eyes
Thousands of flowers with various colour come close your hand
Bubles with a millionaire of light sparkling around your leg
The wind smile
tree smiling with a warm hand shaking
The grass prepare you a red carpet
Your heart beat sing a rock-song
extraordinary happy near your heart
Sleep with a smile in your face 
like a mom who hug You when you are sick..

Do you?

I did.

And it`s like a warm-heart feeling

 That drive Me to My first sleep with a big smile.
it`s really-really a warm that come insight My heart...

26 Jul 2013

Mendung Seluas Langit

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Angin bertiup menusuk sampai ke relung hati

dingin, menggigil, kaku

mata dipenuhi debu dan air

jemari terkatup erat
wajah sendu sayu tertunduk
tubuh lemah lunglai tak berdaya
dekat jendela yang tidak disinggahi sinar
di seberang pintu kokoh yang tak menerima harapan dan sapaan
nun di sudut rumah sendiri
pada jalanan yang sempit

pada satu titik di belahan bumi nan sesak
silahkan jam itu berlari kencang
 hari, minggu, bulan menyerbu datang
silahkan berseliweran lalu lalang
Ku di sudut ini dengan segala yang tersisa
tanpa suara
tanpa niat
tanpa arah
bahkan tanpa sadar Aku ada

Photo by Me
Model My lovely sister : Dian Pramona
She did not even know this photo was taken.
This picture was taken when Our family took  a holiday to pantai Carocok during lebaran. Her pose was captured right away after she swam on the beach. She was wiping away the water from her face after came out from the beach when one of us Took the picture. She was okay at that time actually but her pose gave another emotional that I tried to transfer it into a poem. hope representative enough. ^^

Together at Workplace (Palm Oil Plantation)

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Together At workplace, what a lot of smiles

25 Jul 2013

"Danau di Atas, Alahan Panjang"

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Photos By friends of Mind :  Adit, Panji or Yoga? who among You, rise your hand..

Photos By friends of Mind :  Adit, Panji or Yoga? who among You, rise your hand..

What a beautiful and fresh Lake..

We (I, Zelvia, Santy, Yoga, Panji & Adit) just came fom my hometown at Muaralabuh to visit my uncle ( now Alm) November 2012 ago, he was sick at that time. That was the last time I saw Him. May god bless him. And when we back to Dharmasraya we stop here for a while to enjoy the scene. 

Morning : Hello AWB

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The scene on my door in a beautiful morning