10 Des 2012

NES Creatures

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I wonder how it looks like inside the brain of someone
 who always shares you the negative energies.
Critic without solution, blaming with no reason, 
motivate you by describing the worse condition “if” you failed.

His Main general speech:
 “  I’ am busy, but you just pretend to be busy “

 This creature is busy meanwhile you just pretend to be busy. 
Announce to others your mistake
 and silent (like in burial ground) if you achieve better. 
 I call him “negative energy spreader “stay away from this kind of creature”.

These Creature familiar words:
1.       I` am busy, but you just  pretend to be busy
2.       I have lot work to do, meanwhile you just confuse since nothing to do
Im a hundred percent believe
There must be no sun in its day
There must be no others better human than him (he believe on that)
No flower in his mind
No space for lugh in his dictionary


22 Nov 2012

Thank You

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I never thought that have an enemy will caused so much fun like this. I Mean, fun in really a pure meaning. Have you ever thought that enemy will push your brain to think and believe that there are thousands of reasons or executions that you are not the one who need to blame at all. Your enemy is the one who should be blame, he/she is the one who should say “I`m sorry, this is my mistake I will never do it again”. However, things which not kill you will make you strong”

13 Nov 2012

What I have & Need

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I have hopes as I have fears
I have smile as I have tears
I have confident as I have doubt

I need power to control my mind to not thinking about you
I need space to not walk down near you
I need the floor to avoid see inside your eyes
I need strengths to breath, speak and smile normally in front of you

12 Nov 2012

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Kata Paling sering diulang oleh semua orang di kantorku :
# Panggil
" tolong panggil si........, ....
dipanggil si .........
tadi Ibu/Bapak dipanggil ..........
panggil si .........

the end.



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this world is too big to be thought by your small brain
too various humans to be learned and understood
too many people, too many point of view, too many opinions
you lost your self in the middle of  crowded
all you have to do,
is follow your heart
let it guide and decide
let it beside you to choose.

what will you do
when will you say no
when will you say yes
what you like and don`t.
at last you will say  " this is me and I dont care about you " ..!


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Sungguh mengherankan bahwa dengan terjun dan bergaul dengan banyak karakter manusia-lah Aku justru lebih memahami diriku sendiri. mereka ibarat cermin yang dengannya aku bisa lebih melihat ke diri sendiri, dan yang kulihat disana adalah refleksi seseorang yang tertatih-tatih memperbaiki diri sembari tersenyum menikmati setiap detik prosesnya. MENYENANGKAN & SERU..

30 Okt 2012

Deserve to be asked

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Questionable  things (part 1):

1. Why do people create such as horror drama/ movie, I dont think its beneficial at all ?
2. Why there is no shop without "celana pensil" ? I dont like it. but no one sell except "celana pencil" ?

15 Okt 2012

NES Creatures

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I wonder how it looks like inside the brain of someone who always shares you the negative energies.Critic without solution, blaming with no reason, motivate you by describing the worse condition “if” you failed.His Main general speech: “  I’ am busy, but you just pretend to be busy “
 This creature is busy meanwhile you just pretend to be busy. Announce to others your mistake and silent (like in burial ground) if you achieve better. 

I call him “negative energy spreader “stay away from this kind of creature”.
These Creature familiar words:I` am busy, but you just  pretend to be busyI have lot work to do, meanwhile you just confuse since nothing to do   I m a hundred percent believe
There must be no sun in its dayThere must be no others better human than him (he believe on that)No flower in his mindNo space for lugh in his dictionary..

What?? Wanna Say something?

28 Sep 2012

My Brain`s Complaint.

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I need to tell you that my brain is in the a not stable condition.
This is related with my job. everyday, 7 hours a day, 40 hours a week, i need to sit in front of my computer, input the data, and sometimes talk on the phone, go to the other room talk again, give announcement, manage the files etc.  and I repeat it everyday. My brain do not work harder. it is follow the same pattern. well, I`m sure that by brain feel stuck. my brain need to actively-activated. I want something that encourage my brain to work speed, think seriously, spread the ideas, hot discussions, execute the ideas into actions,  full of perfect planning/programs. down to the field, interact with others. etc.
Perhaps those are just  the hidden-wishes of my extrovert character. I hope, blogging will help me to push my brain to work and think, i can write anything,  as refreshing and adventure.  I will find the way to make my job become a beautiful activities. However, Alhamdulillah. thank you for your gift God, you know th best for me. its just I am a human being that sometime feel tired and bored.    

28 Agu 2012

Gosok baju

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Aku baru saja disuruh kerja berat
kerja paksa,
dunia emang ga adil
padahal kemapuan manusia ada batasnya

seluruh tenagaku terkuras
keringat bercucuran
tenaga habis

aku harus
menyetrika baju yang menggunung,
sudah 3 jam lebih
dimalam hari
diluar jam kerja normal

setinggi gunung

semua baju itu 
adalah baju-baju ku sendiri


24 Agu 2012

Mandi 5 kali sehari

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Ada yang bilang,

shalat 5 waktu sehari-semalam
membersihkan dosa-dosa.
mandi 5 kali sehari-semalam,
pasti bersih banget kan ?

Insya Allah..

Mari Syukuri hari ini.

Good Bye Ramadhan

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Di bulan Ramadhan
mencapai derajat takwa.

Di hari ID,
kembali fitrah
kembali suci
terhapus dari dosa seperti bayi yang terlahir kembali.


seandainya derajat takwa itu di-scale-kan
yang paling-paling bertaqwa itu 100 %
maka Hamba Mu yang posting tulisan ini
paling hanya 1 % ya Tuhan
target ibadah di Bulan Ramadhan tidak tercapai semua
tapi sudah berusaha semampu mungkin.

seandainya kembali fitrah itu di-scale-kan
yang benar-benar kembali fitrah misalnya 10
maka Hamba Mu yang posting tulisan ini
cuman paling 6 atau 7 ya Allah
itupun penilaian yang amat sangat subjektif.

Engkau yang lebih tahu..

Ada yang mengatakan
kalau manusia yang mendapat malam lailatul qadar
adalah apabila ibadah dan amal mereka berobah
jadi lebih baik setelah ramadahan
hal itu tetap dipelihara sampai akhir hayat
kurva ibadah dan amal memiliki grafik naik dengan konstant

Ya Tuhan,
Semoga Hamba " kurva "  dengan garfik naik juga

walaupun iman itu naik turun,
tapi titik terendah dan titik tertinggi,
bisa berobah angka kan?

dahulu :
titik terlemah iman : ga shalat shubuh
sekarang :
titik terlemah iman : ga shalat sunat fajar

dahulu :
titik tertinggi iman : semua shalat wajib + sunat dikerjakan
sekarang   :
titik tertinggi iman : semua shalat wajib, berjamaah +shalat sunat +tahajud

Mari berobah..

Mari kita syukuri hari ini  ^.^

4 Apr 2012

Wasting-Time Things

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Wasting-Time Things

1. Fixed error printer
2. Look for the missing file
3.  Worries & Think too much

What the hell..